Angels don’t always have Wings sometimes they have Whiskers

Alastair Cooper – Donmar Projects

In this episode of CATChats we catch up with Alastair Cooper, Construction Director for Donmar Projects. Based in Victoria, Donmar is a residential and commercial builder with over 30 years of experience delivering projects. Alastair gives us his insights into the Victorian construction industry and how they have adapted to the challenges of the last few years. Alastair also explains how and why they have adopted CAT Software into their business.



Christmas Support Hours

Support Hours over the Christmas / New Year Period: – Friday 20th December – 8am till 12 noon Monday 23rd…

David Broome – Harrier Construction

In this CATChat, we had the pleasure of speaking with David Broome, Managing Director of Harrier Construction. Harrier Construction is…

James MacQueen – BDO

In this episode of CATChat we have the great pleasure to catch up with James MacQueen, an Accounting Construction Specialist…